How we get there: a manual for bootstrapping meta-trust

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This is a 21k word dense descriptive manual-of-sorts for the process of developing and scaling a group with high non-naive trust. It doesn't focus on specific practices to use, either for individual development or group development, but instead is devoted to highlighting the gauntlet that any such group facets, and showing various roadblocks that are to be expected and that ARE in some sense fundamentally the path (if those roadblocks didn't exist, we're already be there and there'd be nothing to do).

The spark of insight for this writing came in mid-2020, and I finished this draft in early 2022, with minor edits since. My thinking has evolved somewhat since I wrote it, in particular towards an increased sense of the importance of nonverbal/embodied elements, but overall I stand by the model here.

I expect this piece of writing to be quite useful for people who are (or want to be)

  • spiritual community organizers, particularly small & intimate contexts
  • leaders of emerging-culture organizations or teams (maybe also participants, not just leaders)
  • people trying to create an awesome intense context and wanting it to not fall into the culty attractors

...and of general interest to:

  • people trying to understand why their attempt at one of the previous bullet points failed
  • people trying to understand the evolution of culture & consciousness, the emerging new memetic operating system, integrating pre-conquest consciousness with post-conquest consciousness, etc
  • people who have enjoyed my Non-Naive Trust Dance or meta-protocol writing and want to go deeper

I might turn this into longer book at some point. Currently it is very dense and abstract and reads like a draft in some places. You're welcome to share stories that might help flesh it out.

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a short dense ebook in PDF & EPUB form (plus the option to comment on a google doc)

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How we get there: a manual for bootstrapping meta-trust

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